Nshera Tutu


Nshera is a senior from The Bronx, NY majoring in Health Care Policy and minoring in Law and Society. She is interested in health policy and health law, and exploring how the two can achieve health equity in the United States. She is also interested in constitutional law, criminal justice reform, and international human rights law. In the past, she has worked at a telehealth startup that democratizes healthcare access to college-aged women, and a wealth management group that provides affordable and no-cost insurance plans to international and low-income college students. Outside of KAPi, she is part of Cayuga Healthcare Consulting, the Cornell Healthcare Review, and Nothing But Treble A Cappella. This summer, Nshera will be a Weisenfeld Health Equity Fellow up in Buffalo. In her free time, she can be found rehearsing with her fantastic big Amara in Lincoln, listening to a podcast on the slope, or studying (a.k.a watching TV) in the stacks. She loves making new friends so feel free to contact her!
