Jamaya Scott


Jamaya is a senior from Queens, NY majoring in English with minors in Human Development and Law & Society. She is passionate about redirecting the Family Law court system and making family lawyers more accessible for underrepresented and disadvantaged communities. Off campus, she is a proud SEO scholar and member of an all-women’s rock climbing club in NYC. This past summer, Jamaya interned at New York’s largest poverty-fighting organization, Robin Hood. While interning, she spent time learning the ins and outs of the nonprofit world as well as brainstorming and researching more effective ways to elicit dependable donors, bring in community members, and add to programs targeting both the youth and adults.

In her free time, Jamaya can often be found taking walks on the Arts Quad, listening to Podcasts on adolescence or self-care, hanging out with her big Mo, taking pictures on sunny days, or vibing to R&B music in Goldwin Smith.
