Have a question that is not answered here? Feel free to contact us!

  • We pride ourselves on an extremely high standard of development and growth. Each member is required to first cross through the New Member Education process. After that, they are encouraged to extend their professional growth through leadership positions and events put on by the fraternity. At our core, we value and respect each other and foster close-knit bonds between our brothers and sisters. We would love to meet all interested applicants and we encourage you to attend our recruitment events to see if you are a good fit for our unique community.

    KAPi is the Cornell student organization with highest percentage of alums attending Harvard Law and other T-14 Law Schools.

    “Through KAPi, I learned from the extremely diverse perspectives and experiences of the brothers, not only through coffee chats but through friendships. I was initially interested in only Criminal law but connecting with current brothers and alumni helped me explore my interests outside of Criminal law. I truly admire the small and close community that KAPi has built. Being part of KAPi allowed me to grow professionally, personally, and find a close-knit community of law-oriented individuals on campus.” -Brother Mo Islam, Phi Clas

    “KAPi is truly a family committed to supporting one another throughout their pre-professional journeys and in life. I thrive off of the positive energy and am my best self in the close-knit KAPi community where I am familiar with those around me.” -Brother Jamaya Scott, Chi Class

  • While we hold social events, all brothers are connected through our shared interests in the law.

  • No! You can apply without attending any event. However, we highly encourage all applicants to attend at least one recruitment event. Attending an event allows you to see if KAPi is the right fit for you.

    If you cannot attend any events, send an email regarding your situation to the VP of Recruitment. If you can, schedule a Coffee Chat to learn more about KAPi.

  • NME is an intensive 6-7 week program designed by our VP of New Member Education to hone leadership skills and professionalism and forge strong fraternal bonds between newly-admitted members.

    The NME process includes weekly coffee chats with brothers, weekly debates, resume workshops, public speaking workshops, presentation workshops, career panels, alumni panels, mock trials, etc.

    Successful completion of the NME process is required for new members to become full-fledged brothers of Kappa Alpha Pi.

  • Yes! We highly encourage transfer students to apply, especially in their first semester at Cornell. We have many Brothers that transferred to Cornell and we are happy to have them in the brotherhood.

  • Yes! We highly encourage non-first-years to apply, especially if you are re-applying. A huge number of the brothers joined after their first year at Cornell.

  • We highly encourage all majors to apply. We have brothers from all majors (i.e CS, Physics, Hotel, Variety of Engineering, etc). It is not about your major but how you articulate your interest in the law.

  • No! We have a strict no-hazing policy embedded into our constitution and our core beliefs.

  • No! While business casual and professional attire is recommended, it is not considered when evaluating an applicant. For free formal attire loaning services, visit Cornell Wardrobe.

  • Yes! Many brothers are involved in other social and pre-professional greek letter organizations.